Remember this from the other day before practice? If not here's a reminder....
On offense we try to create the WHATs, and on defense we take the WHATs away from our opponents. HOW we do it is determined by WHERE we and our teammates are on the ice. In all situations we must read the situation and react!
Time and Space Speed and Quickness Offensive Zone
Angles and Lanes Strength and Power Neutral Zone
Support/ Help Deception and Trickery Defensive Zone
Step 1: Watch the two video's below, "Driving Wide Like McDavid" and "Offensive attacks with high support"
Step2: Find at least two examples of how the 3x3 formula is being applied in the videos. For example, Smitty creates time and space for herself in the neutral zone by using speed when she blah,blah,blah..... (Smitty is not in the videos 😃).
Step3: Submit your detailed examples online as a comment at the bottom of this post, or bring your Hockey Homework to practice on Feb 21st and hand it in to the coaches.
Coach Mike