Our first two practices have been scheduled for:
August 29th @Splex 3 from 6:30 PM-7:30PM
August 31st @Splex 2 from 6:30 PM-7:30PM
Please arrive at least 40 minutes before the practice on August 29th as we would like to go over some routines and expectations. We also need at least one parent available in order to sign our ODWHA waiver. This needs to be completed before the end of August so if you are unable to make it to either practice please let me know so other arrangements to sign can be made.
Also, I would like to have a brief parent meeting on August 31st, to answer any questions that may have arisen over the summer and to hopefully vote on the revised budget that Michelle sent out and that is available to print out in the sidebar labelled Team Documents.

Very lastly, Andrea has done a ton of leg work to set up a trip to the Jay's game for Friday evening of the North York Showcase. A huge thank you and pleas be sure to sign up for tickets ASAP. I am attaching her Teamsnap message below in case you missed it.
Coach Mike
Hi Everyone,
We may have an opportunity to see a Jays game while we are at the North York Showcase on Friday, September 9th. The tournament organizer is graciously coordinating our game times to allow us to get to this 7:00 game (Good Job Mike!)
Tickets are about $25 each (final number to be given once ordered) and they are selling out so I would like to get this finalized as quickly as possible. Please follow the link below to indicate the number of tickets you would like and I will order together.
https://docs.google.com/ spreadsheets/d/ 1TJM7BJHZjyFsxVAwUZQq2Xv7OrR_ RA4E_g9xGrqRhqE/edit?usp= sharing
It isn't guaranteed until I order the tickets but hopefully all will go smoothly if everyone fills out the form and the tickets are still available.
We may have an opportunity to see a Jays game while we are at the North York Showcase on Friday, September 9th. The tournament organizer is graciously coordinating our game times to allow us to get to this 7:00 game (Good Job Mike!)
Tickets are about $25 each (final number to be given once ordered) and they are selling out so I would like to get this finalized as quickly as possible. Please follow the link below to indicate the number of tickets you would like and I will order together.
It isn't guaranteed until I order the tickets but hopefully all will go smoothly if everyone fills out the form and the tickets are still available.
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