Sunday, July 24, 2016

Number Crunching...

Hey girls, it is time to pick your jersey number for the upcoming hockey season! Please send Coach Mike your 3 top selections for the number you would like to wear for the upcoming hockey season. Hopefully everyone will get their top pick...HOWEVER...if multiple players select the same number I will break the tie with a flip of the coin (Don’t worry it’s lucky).

Numbers available for goalies are 1 and 31 (But you two probably have this figured out already) and numbers 2-17 for players.

I have included this link from that ranks the top player of all time who wore/wears each jersey number up to number 33.    Click on this link for hockey by the numbers

Here are some top women’s players from past & present and their numbers. Have a look!
Jayna Hefford 16, Hilary Knight 21, Lori Dupuis 12, Danielle Goyette 15, Cassie Campbell, 77, Geraldine Heaney 91, Meghan Agosta 2, Hayley Wickenheiser 22, Natalie Spooner 24, Rebecca Johnston 6, Marie-Philip Poulin 29, Katie Weatherston 8
New app focuses on young athlete mental health side.
The BeGameReady app was launched by the Royal, D.I.F.D. and the Ottawa Senators Foundation on Dec. 22, 2015. It focuses on the mental side of hockey, getting young players prepared before games and helping debrief them afterwards.
The free, bilingual app is designed to help children age 10 to 16 deal with stress, anxiety and other mental health issues before and after games.
Users can track their moods and get tips on how to manage their feelings, learn breathing exercises and meditation and send "power pucks" of encouragement to teammates who have done a good job.
For more information, go to

GoPro: Strong is Beautiful - Ice Hockey with Hilary Knight

Saturday, July 2, 2016

PEEWEE AA Off- Season Training Program

Before we get stated I want you all to know that this summer training program is completely voluntary and is just a resource for you to use if you choose to follow it. It is by no means mandatory and there will not be any testing performed. It is purely an tool for you to use if you want.

Below are some videos that will demonstrate what the exercises look like. Gin was kind enough to be my demonstrator! Follow the link below to a copy of the Training Program. It will also be posted in the sidebar titled "Links for Players".

Coach Mike
Training Program Videos
 Single Leg Bunny Hops (2sets of 20 reps)
 Push-Ups (2sets of 7-10reps)
Skater Power Strides (2sets of 15reps)
Wall Stands (2sets of 30-45 seconds)
Hopscotch (2sets of 20 reps)
5 Cone Shuttle Run (2sets of 45 seconds Full Speed!)
Plank (2sets of 1minute)
Power Squat Hops (2sets of 10-15 reps)
Dips(2sets of 10 reps)
Lateral Squats (2 sets of 20 reps/ 10 each leg)
Wrist Rolls (2sets of 45-60 seconds)