Thursday, September 22, 2016

Zone Exit Options - Wheel It!

Zone Exit Options - Turn It Back!

Zone Exit Options - Get It to Your Partner!

Zone Exit Options - Get It and Move It!

Watch as a Reminder of Zone Exits (Breakout) From DZONE Responsibilities

Promises Made...

At the North York Showcase earlier this month, I asked each player to make a promise to their teammates regarding the type of player they were going to be. We spoke about the types of things you can control, how making a promise has to include trust from your teammates that they believe you. It also involves belief of the person making the promise. Belief that they can hold up their end of the bargain. The season has just begun, but I trust our players completely. They have played hard, put in the effort, and believe in each other. I take them at their words and look forward to going forward together.
I took a photo of the sticky note the players wrote their promises on before our game in North York. Please take some time to look for yours, your teammates and always remember:
I promise give is a promise kept....

Coach Mike